Lludd Llaw -- Cunedda

Lludd Llaw Encint (or Llud) (the silver handed), born Britain abt. 80 b.c.. (c)  Legendary king of the British mentioned in Geoffrey of Monmouth's History.  Lud is listed as the eldest son of Heli (or Beli), and the brother of the historically real Caswallon, which would place Lud's existence at about 60BC.  Lud was that rare combination of warrior king and town planner.  He rebuilt New Troy, or Trinovantum as it was then known, and renamed it KaerLud after him.  This became Lud's Town or London.  When he died he was buried by the city wall where Ludgate is named after him.  There is a story of Lud in the Welsh tale "Lludd and Llefelys" collected in the Mabinogion, wherein Lud consults his brother Llefelys on how to combat three supernatural plagues that are smiting Britain.  He succeeds in defeating the source of the plagues and rules peacefully thereafter.  This tale, like that of Merlin's, to which it is closely related, may be about a real British prince who ruled later than Geoffrey's Lud, possible in the first or second centruy AD.  He has become remembered in Welsh legend as the Celtic god Llud, also known as Nudd, the Celtic form of Nodens.  A temple to Nodens was built at Lydney in Gloucestershire, where there are other places starting with Lyd-, and which may have some relation to a local prince who assumed the name Lud.

Additional Lludd Llaw Encint Notes

    * Afallach, next
    * Tenacius, born abt. 26 b.c., King of Britons

Afallach, born 45 b.c.  Afallach was the son of Lludd.  He was one of the Celtic gods of the Underworld.  He ruled
Avalon where he lived with his daughter, Modron, and her nine sisters.  Avalon was like the Celtic heaven, a peaceful island far away where apples grew and after which it became named.  It is, of course, best known as the place were the High-King Arthwyr was taken after he was fatally wounded at the Battle of Camlann.  Afallach himself appears in Arthurian legends as King Evelake.
Owain, born 10 b.c.
Prydein (Brychwain), born 25 a.d.
Dubwn, born 60 a.d.
Eufwn, born abt. 95 a.d.
Anwrid, born 130 a.d.
Dufn,(Dyfwn) born 165 a.d.
Guordoli, (The Mammoth Book of British Kings & Queens) places Guordoli here.
Doli, born 200 a.d.
Guorcein, (The Mammoth Book of British Kings & Queens) places Guorcein here.
Cein, born 235 a.d., Christian Roman, settled at Ayr, Scotland.
Tegid (Tacitus), born 270 a.d., born Ayr, Scotland.
Padarn Beisrudd, born 305 a.d. in Ayr, Scotland, (Paternus of the Red Cloak), A priest, afterwards venerated as a
Edern (Eternus), born Scotland abt. 345, (Dux Britanniarum) (Leader of the Britons), married Gwellian verch Coel.
Cunedda Gwledig, (the Imperator), born abt. 380 in Manaw Gododdin, Scotland, 1st native ruler of Cyrury after the Romans left in 410. Married Gwawl ferch Coel Hen, (High-King of Northern Britain) born abt. 384.

Addition Cunedda Gwledig Notes

See next page for family line of Cunedda Gwledig

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| Clydno--Gwaithfoed | Gwaithfoed to Mathew