Meuric -- Sir Mathew

(some sources state Meuric ap Caradoc while Welsh Genealogies has it as Meuric ap Ieuan)

Meuric, born abt. 1280 in Llandewi, Glamorgan, married Wenllian ferch Madoc ap Gwilliam ap Owen ap Sir Girgenni ap Griffith ap Jestyn.of the line of Iestyn
    * Madog, (next)
    * Elen, married Arthen ap Cynfyu ap Genyllyn
    * Llewelyn, father of Jevan who had David
    * Evan
    * David
Sir Madog, born 1300 in Coity, Glamorgan, Wales, was Knight of the Holy Sepulchre and eminent leader of the
Crusades. Founded the Hospice of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, which was afterwards endowed by his grandson Ieuan in 1288, and known as Ieuan's Hospice. Sir Madog married Wenllian ferch Griffith Goch from the line of Bach ap Gwaethfoed.
    * Gruffudd Gethin, (next),
    * Meurig
Sir Griffith Gethyn, ranked as tenth from Gwaethfoed, born abt. 1325 in Coity, Glamorgan, was Knighted by King Richard II in Ireland. Was also Knight of the Holy Sepulchor, married (1) (Joan) or Crisly ferch Rhum, born 1329 in Castell Kibwr, Glamorgan, daughter of Rhun ap Griffith Ychan ap Grono of the line of Bleddwn ap Cynfyn and (2) Margaret ferch Bryn ap George. Sir Griffith Gethyn and Crisly had at least three sons;
    *  Ieuan, (next),
    *  Jenkin, born 1354, father of Mathew, father of Howel, father of John, father of Jenkin, father of Gwilim, father of Howel, whose sons were Thomas, John, David and a dau. Wenllian who married John ap Wilkyn Hen.
    *  Dafydd, born 1352. living 1391
    *  Gwenllian, married John Wilkin Hen
    * Evan
Sir Ieuan  Sir Knight Ieuan was born abt. 1346 in Castell Kibwr, Of Oriel College, Oxford of Brynwith, Glamorgan, Wales, married Crisli ferch Gawdyn ap Llywelyn ap Cynwrig of Radur ap Hywel of Meisgyn ap Madog ap Iestyn ap Gwrgan ap Ithel ap Idwallon ap Morgan Mawr (Hen) ap Owain (who married Nest ferch Rhodri Mawr) ap Hywel ap Rhys King of Glywysing who died about 886. Just a update note on Sir Ieuan. ** Please NOTE **  Thanks to Jim  Holloway who so kindly e-mailed me information on Sir Ieuan's marriage to Cecilia dau. of Robert de Clare confirming the Mathew tie to the de Clare family line.  He states: "I thought you'd like to know, from Harleian's "Visitation of Sussex - 1562" that proof exists confirming the Mathew tie to the Clare family, specifically from Sir Jevan ap Griffith's marriage to Robert de Clare's dau., Cecillia.  On page 171 are the Arms of "Richard Mathew of Stansted in Sussex descended out of Glamorganshire".  It is a quarterly of nine, with the 7th quarter being "or", three chevronels engrailed gules", i.e. a gold shield with 3 red chevrons engrailed (CLARE).  This Richard married Elizabeth Campion of Campion's Hall in com. Essex.  The other quarters were: 1. Mathew, 2. Campion, 3. Knotford, 4. Knightley, 5. Mountford, 7. Clare, 9. Skinnerton"".  ""The Genealogical Magazine", reports that the Matthews lineage from Gwaithfoed throught Sir David ap Mathew, knight is recorded and approved as a manuscript in the British Records Office."  "As Richard comes out of our Welsh house, and the British Records Office is a respected authority, this should refute skeptics critical of the Mathews royal ties".  Thank you so much Jim!  I will be updating this area in the near future with the de Clare family information which I have on file.  Additional Ieuan Notes
    *  Mathew, next
    * Elen, married Hywel Button
    * Evan, whence Edwards of Swansea

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